Boost Customer Loyalty with Smarter Rewards

Coupons and Vouchers Powered by Vynamic® Engage

Vynamic Engage’s Couponing & Rewards module handles everything you need to offer robust customer rewards. You can design both serialized and non-serialized coupons & vouchers for omnichannel use.

Thanks to templates and rule-based workflows, the creation and redemption of customer rewards is highly efficient yet flexible—while KPI dashboards keep you informed in real time.

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Coupons and promotions

Vynamic Engage Solution Card

Increase customer loyalty with personalized engagements at every step of the consumer journey.

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Vynamic Retail Platform: A Quick Introduction

Learn more about our game-changing new retail platform, featuring the differentiators you need to drive change.

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What's in Store for Loyalty in Retail?

Winning and retaining customers in the post-COVID era requires retailers to reimagine their loyalty and customer engagement strategies.

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