Diversity, Equity & Inclusion

At DN we are committed to a culture of diversity, equity and inclusion where everyone is accepted, valued and encouraged to thrive. We are one global team, grounded in mutual trust and respect, and we are stronger together because of our differences.

As a global company, we support diverse customers in diverse markets with diverse needs. Diversity within our own company – whether culture, gender, race or other – means we value different and varying perspectives, and we believe it can have a positive impact on how we innovate and how we grow.

When we have ways to share and explore different experiences, expectations and contributions, we create a safe space to learn about and value our diversity. By empowering people with knowledge, we can incite action that moves us forward – as individuals, as a company and as a society.

Our DE&I goals are:

  • Establish baseline metrics to support our long-term strategy and track progress across all programs
  • Engage the executive leadership team in D&I-based activities, such as ERG sponsorship
  • Hire and retain diverse candidates in our workforce
  • Create equal opportunities for employees to thrive and achieve success
  • Eliminate pay inequities, based on race, gender or other criteria
  • Review policies for inclusivity and making updates, as appropriate
  • Conduct regular training for leaders on understanding personal bias
  • Use inclusive language in our communications


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Environmental, Social & Governance

Our sustainability program is comprised of three pillars, each of which forms a vital component of our global operational structure and culture.

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